I am Jamie Babineau, and throughout my life I have been referred to as many names. From Jamie to Jimmy to Jammie to Babs to Jimmy Babs to Jimmy Babe and even Bab-a-yes. The number or typos if alarming but that have all stuck in some way shape or form. I live in metro west Boston with my wife and three daughters where I grew up. My dislike for writing papers drove me to a love of computers and I got my first taste in high school with VB 6. I took that joy of creating what I wanted and made it a career.
I got my first opportunity at a home insurance carrier as a junior developer. From there is has been over a decade of challenges in many different facets. From the basics of learning a language, or a few, to creating brand new services, to modifying and changing legacy code. I have been challenged many times from a technology stand point and enjoyed it most of the time. I have been rewarded throughout my career and been promoted to a lead and eventually a manager of a sizeable team. I was then given the chance to get back to solving technical problems and lead up the architecture team for product.
The first hobby I ever had was more of a first love, and that is the sport of ice hockey. More specifically the enjoyment of standing on my head and stopping some rubber. It’s been a while but I want to get back into the sport and pass on knowledge to kids.
Another way I stay active is around the house. Whether its inside renovations or outside landscaping, I have always had a great sense of pride of being able to do it on my own and not hiring it out. Its also very rewarding to find your limits and continuing to challenge yourself. Do i curse myself and the one who wants these projects done… maybe but it really is rewarding when you see the hard work.
Which brings me to a more recent hobby, Tinkering. If the career wasn’t enough of a give away I enjoy solving problems and I enjoy working with my hands, this is a great combination of combining these two things. I have started 3D printing small things and have made a couple things to solve problems around the house. I would like to expand more of what I do with this and that will be a good portion of this blog.
For this blog the intent is to hit on a few areas.
- The first area is a documented a list of things to keep track for my wife, so she can look back and bask in the glory of all the work…
- Secondly, B, documentation for myself on how I went about doing things and what did and didn’t work well.
- Lastly, for anyone who happens to find this. Hopefully my follies don’t have to be yours and much like my professional career I can pay some experience forward.